Professional Services

Professional Services companies come to us at Kabbiz Legal & Advisory to assist them and help them navigate legal and regulatory compliance, advise them on unique legal issues they face and navigate their businesses with minimal legal risk.

In the course of their business operations, Professional Service firms and companies take on major responsibilities as they advise clients across various work spheres, be it audit, brokerage, advisory, design and consulting work—responsibilities that leave them open to major liabilities. For such professional services companies and firms, we provide the best services to help you hedge legal risk in the course of your operations. Whether you are a management consultant, insurer, broker, auditor, designer, advertising agency, engineering consultants, you can go about your professional services work as you rely on our strong advisory experience, regulatory actions, compliance experience and legal risk management to guide you and provide defense when your professional conduct is challenged by clients or oversight.

In the course of our operations we have come across certain common legal issues faced by professional services companies, and these include:

  • Choice of business vehicle and entity formation;

  • Capital importation, financial strategies and equity management;

  • Ownership and registration of intellectual property in company assets with regards to software and other related technology;

  • Enforcement of intellectual property rights against third-party infringers;

  • Employment agreements

  • Independent contractor agreements;

  • Licensing agreements (LAs) and these include End-User License Agreements (EULAs), Terms of Use, among others, and;

  • Software development contracts;

We advise and assist professional services firms that operate in heavily regulated sectors who seek to understand their regulatory compliance needs within the scope of their operations. When these questions arise, we advise on the obligations they are expected to meet in relation to their industry and help them navigate compliance with same so as not to have the regulatory hammer come down on their operations.

Furthermore, we regularly support professional service providers including other international law firms to navigate any legal requirements they need to meet up and require local expertise to handle in Nigeria. In other words, we also serve as local counsel to international law firms in different parts of the world, acting as the local extension to their own jurisdictional expertise and providing guidance on legal matters they need assistance with in local jurisdictions.

If your Firm offers professional services and you require information on how we can assist you with your legal risk management, we invite you to contact us.


