Kabbiz Global Nominees Limited (“Kabbiz Nominees”) is a limited liability company incorporated to provide a suite of business advisory-related services to global businesses and companies operating or seeking to operate in Nigeria and other parts of Africa. The company is the subsidiary of Kabbiz Legal & Advisory which provide foreign business registration services, company secretarial services, alongside nominee services and corporate governance services to foreign companies operating in Nigeria and other parts of Africa.
Kabbiz Global Nominees Limited is one of Africa’s leading one-stop shops for foreign business registrations in Nigeria and other jurisdictions in Africa as we help international businesses with the registration of foreign businesses in Africa with the aim of welcoming expatriates to the budding marketplace. Kabbiz Global Nominees also advises on matters which relate to regulatory compliance [for different sectors & industries] and legislative compliance.
The Kabbiz Global Nominees team is peopled with skilled business advisors and legal practitioners who possess Service knowledge of company secretarial work and have garnered years of practical experience to meet the needs of clients. The Kabbiz Global Nominees team aims to provide each client with tailor-made solutions to their business needs and helps them navigate these on a daily basis to enhance seamless operations.
We welcome you to Kabbiz Global Nominees Limited, a limited liability company which we incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to provide Africa-wide business registration services to clients. We rely on our corporate knowledge to provide not only business registration services, but also company secretarial services and nominee services where and when needed, under utmost confidence. We work with companies from ideation of their company name to cessation of same, for whatever reasons. We work alongside you in your business, helping you to meet the necessary regulatory requirements in different sectors, particularly of the Nigerian economy. We help clients with their business registration, assist them with immigration advisory and processes, and undertake all necessary business formalities for their companies, Joint Ventures and partners.
As part of our corporate services, we assist our clients with the following:
In some instances companies seeking to operate in Nigeria may have need for a “resident” director, especially if they are not bringing their entire operations onshore. In that instance, these companies usually require the services and onboarding of nominee directors to their team to be on public records and act on the company’s instructions. In other instances, companies may require a director with adequate knowledge of Nigeria’s corporate structures and regulatory landscape, so require nominee directors on record to assist with compliance. At Kabbiz Global Nominees Limited we have seasoned, professional legal practitioners who can join your company as non-executive directors and assist you with all regulatory requirements, or assist with whatever (legal) requirements you may need.
We can act as nominee shareholders for your company to hold your shares in trust for you as trustees, while you own and retain control over the shares as beneficial owners thereof. In those circumstances we do not have ownership or control of those shares; rather, we act as shareholders on public records, holding your allocated shareholding for you in trust.
Many international businesses seek incorporation in Nigeria for contractual purposes—they do not have need for a fully operational base in Nigeria. However, given the regulatory requirement for all companies incorporating in Nigeria to have a physically verifiable address on record, thus prohibiting the use of P. O. Boxes, many of these companies are stuck in a quagmire. We can help you source for registered office addresses you can use for your company incorporation.
Our business leaders at Kabbiz Global Nominees Limited can help you open your company accounts upon incorporation with any of Nigeria’s leading financial institutions. We have a turnaround time of as low as four working days to get this done.
At Kabbiz Global Nominees, we can act as your company secretary, and we have, over the years, become a trusted advisor and secretary to companies. The following are some of the services we provide as your company secretaries:
We further assist our clients with the following:
For further enquiries on how our team at Kabbiz Global Nominees Limited can help your business with its business incorporation, company secretarial work, or if you require nominee director or shareholder services, or if you have an inquiry about our services generally, kindly email us at corporateservices@kabbizlegal.com or call us on +2348064231176, or alternatively click the link here to chat us on WhatsApp. Our company directors will be happy to guide you.