“We have all the right answers to your legal questions.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the questions we meet in our practice as we navigate legal services in Nigeria

What type of cases do you handle at Kabbiz Legal?

At Kabbiz Legal & Advisory, we are a commercial law firm, with a strong focus on different aspects of commercial law practice. Our practice areas range majorly from Intellectual property law, Insolvency & Debt Recovery, Dispute Resolution, Tech, Tax, amongst others. We also have a major focus on foreign business migration and aid international corporations on their corporate migration efforts to Nigeria.

Why should I choose lawyers from Kabbiz Legal & Advisory for my legal issue?

We are specialists and pride ourselves on being so. We each have our areas of specialization and niche down on them, and we are focused on each delivering the best in our areas of specialty. That means you are assured that only the best lawyers in specific areas of the law will handle your legal case.

How long have you been in business?

We have been servicing clients from around the world for years.

What do I receive in exchange for your attorney’s fee?

You will receive the best personalized attention once you trust us with your brief. For trusting us to deliver solutions to you, we will put our best foot forward for your case and work to ensure you get the best legal solutions.

What is expected of me as a client of your firm?

We expect you to give us the truth of your situation, alongside providing us with all requested materials we will need for your case.

How do I get started to engage your legal services?

Please contact us via contact@kabbizlegal.com

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